
Sunday, September 1, 2013

5 PM Labor Day BBQ Advisory

It has come to my attention that the 5th
Annual Jason Family BBQ, (BBQ's prior to the birth of Lauren have been deemed Null & Void) has been moved forward 4
hours to accommodate those Family Members who need more time to prepare. As such, I must advise my Monday Golf Colleagues That I must
withdraw from the Event Scheduled on
Monday, September 2, 2013. 
To Marvin, if you would be kind enough to share the aforementioned information with Hal, it would be appreciated, as
Thanksgiving, our best Bet, would probably be the next time he looks at Mr. Gore's Worldwide Web.
Additionally, Mr. Margolis, our Esteemed 
CEO, should you desire to place any individual in this now Threesome, although I don't know why you would want too, you have now been so advised. Good Day to All. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chavez Dies Hearing About Epstein's

Golf Schedule over the next few weeks.

Marvin Epstein must know that a "Focus
Group" of Old people were put together, and what came out, was, that Old Jew
Golfers' tend to be Jealous of Successful
and Handsome Younger Golfers, and Attorneys', in particular, and that their
Ramblings' are to be ignored.
Marvin must know from past experience that when you get to this stage in your life, people are going to talk about you.

So, I tell you Marvin, in absolute
Candor, I've Consulted and
discussed this in "Detail" with Professor
Giacomo, and we agreed to inform you
that, " We. personally, will Miss You,
Like A Mother Fucker.

So, enjoy your time away from Golf.
And remember;
"Those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself."
Richard M. Nixon

Friday, February 22, 2013

Littman, World Golf Ranking #4,236,332

Littman goes on DL lists as he readies
himself for Injection Therapy.
Playing partner Marvin Epstein was quoted as saying, "a man his age, should become proficient at "Competitive Shuffleboard", or "Bridge".
Epstein couldn't be reached for comment
as we went to press.